Welcome to the new old Area51. First thing first, let’s see what’s old:
- I kept the name (Area51).
- I’m 6 months older.
- My interests remained the same. They just expended a little bit.
- Site is still 100% XHTML and CSS valid.
And now, what’s new:
- Script is new. It is total rewrite of the old one. There is no new features, some are even removed (comment title for instance), but it is now more flexible and extensible, code is much better organized (OOP) and script finally have nice looking (not so important) and functional (important) Control Panel. I hope that this script will run on your localhost as soon as I finish installer and some small things about CP.
- Better text formatting. Finally I can write both HTML and UBB in my posts. Script supports both.
- Labels are here. If you used GMail than you must know what are labels.
- Site is simpler. If you visited old Area51 you must remember how many blocks I had in sidebar. I removed all of them and kept just those elements that are really necessary (navigation, content block and footer). In one of future entries I’ll explain what got into me when I decided to create site layout like this one.
- I created simple search. It is made just to fill the gap before I create real search engine. Something to add to my todo list.
- I’ll be writing only in English. I understand it quite well, but when I need to write something down... Be patient with me :)
- Hosting is new. Domain name too.
That’s it from me now.