When asked about Android’s weak battery life at the Google Zeitgeist forum, Google co-founder Larry Page said that if anyone is not getting a full day’s worth of battery, there’s “something wrong.” Page then went on to suggest it’s probably user habits and third-party apps causing battery woes. “When there is software running in the background, that just sort of exhausts the battery quickly,” said Page.
Original. Via Daring Fireball.
Multitasking na spravama koje još uvek nemaju dovoljno snage i stamine da ga pravilno podrže je samo prost kompromis. Apple će čekati dok hardver ne sazre pre nego što omogući pravi multitasking third party aplikacijama, a ostali su izgleda spremni da žive sa tim kompromisom.
Oba pristupa su OK po meni, a korisnik sam može da glasa svojim novčanikom šta mu je prioritet.